Where enjoyment

Cinnamon Soul Cafe

Famous Cinnamon Buns
Health & Wellness strategies


Food. Coffee. Community

Fitter @ 50 Methodology

WORLD famous Cinnamon Buns

Cool Vibe. Unique Hang.

Essentially, we're your friends down the street who thought buying a cafe was a good idea and then suddenly got really good at making cinnamon buns and found themselves here, talking to you.
We believe in eating yummy food and drinking high test coffee while becoming more healthy as we age. If philosophy was our thing, it would definitely be Fitter @ Fifty!

you may have seen us on:

Killer coffee is a way to say good morning

without having to speak.


50 never looked so good

@ fifty

The Show

Strategies to help you defy the odds and become MORE healthy, confident and strong as we age together. 

Each week, we share insights on nutrition, fitness, health and weight-loss to empower you to become more fit as you age. Let's start something beautiful together and create the health you DESERVE!

Top Episodes

family pizza night:
make killer dough with 4 ingredients

be your kids lunch hero
5 fresh lunch ideas

if you're new here, welcome to the fitter @ 50 show